
28 December 2007 ( 12:43 pm )

ohgosh i realised how writing a CV is really horrible and sian. :(

i'd rather do math! :D hee.

and im constantly nagged at to get a job.. so i better buckup!

/25th dec
25 December 2007 ( 1:37 pm )

merry, merry, happy christmas :)

/life is ironic
21 December 2007 ( 10:38 pm )

sometimes, some things in life are just so beautiful, though they might be common and simple :)

alright some albums i uploaded on facebook :)

uk part I
uk part II
uk part III
prom night 07
33rd snr
the girls

19 December 2007 ( 9:29 pm )

feeling sad + annoyed + irritated + useless + screwed up + angry with myself + in other words, not good.

17 December 2007 ( 10:07 pm )

i hereby announce my return from cold dry uk to hot humid singapore!

actually i was quite happy in the end (i was sad at first cos i din have enough time in london) cos the airplane seat was super uncomfortable it made my butt ache.

so places i went:
- Bath
- Nottingham
- Manchester (actually just the stadium)
- Liverpool (only the stadium i din even get to go in sigh)
- Edinburgh (my favourite!!)
- London (like, 1/5 of it)

so i've made a resolution to go to:
- Liverpool (watch my match, go on a tour of the stadium)
- London (do whatever i didnt get to do)
- Edinburgh (cos i like that place!)
- Lake District (heard its nice)
- Africa, still :D

i nid money and time so it'll definitely not be anytime soon actually. hee.

urm ohyea my hair n face and skin became v dry.. worse is imagine my horror when i realised i brought nivea firming cream (no it doesnt belong to me!) instead of nivea body moisturizer (what was it doing on the dining table?!) -.-

and when i came back my room was in a mess cos everythign has been moved for house repainting.. so i spent 5h cleaning up and im still nt done and the light died. so im slacking and watching show now! before i slp.

yay. pictures later! i havent even looked at my prom pics properly, let alone upload any.

bye! :)

/my sis is sitting beside me!
16 December 2007 ( 5:53 am )

i just came back from the fulham v newcastle match! :)

sadly, it was 0-0 when i left abt 10min early (partly cos it was FREEZING). the worse thing is, there happened to be a goal which led to newcastle's victory towards the end. damn!

but yea it was too cold to do anything.

and im going home tmr! but still so many things i havent done like getting souvenirs, going to british museum and/or natural history museum, SHOPPING and meeting up with rice!


but im still going home.

alright i need to go off to pack! byebye!

/greetings from london
15 December 2007 ( 7:23 am )

london is COLD.

and the area where river thames flow somehow looks like the singapore river/clarke quay area -.- especially during peak hour. anw, the part i dont like abt london is that its too crowded, everywhere! bleh. oh and its cold.

watching fulham v newcastle tmr :D
and visited chelsea stadium today :)


/greetings from loughborough!
10 December 2007 ( 4:34 am )

im at my sister's place now so i have internet access :)

been in england for 4 days now and i enjoy it! :) its freezing here though. just this morning my brother sis and i went to climb beacon hill -.- it was near my sister's place and you might think climbin a hill early in the morning in freezing weather is crazy.

well, it was -.-

my ears and fingers ended up being numb and i had to activate my ugly southpark (kenny) like beanie. hahaha. it helped at least.

went to bath the first 2 days and went to nottingham today. nottingham is qt happening! bought quite alot of stuff! anw things here are so expensive that a BK meal costs more than 5pounds :S but Primark sells cheap stuff :D its some topshop like shop but its alot cheaper. i got 2 pairs of jeans at 6pounds each :D

need to read up on edinburgh now. expect the weather there to be worse :S ohwells. cya! :)

05 December 2007 ( 8:59 pm )

prom is over! :) it was quite fun actually, right from when we went to do our hair and makeup hehh. actually prom is just abt taking pictures with your friends cos everyone looks glam and all! :)

and im proud to announce that i havent slept in a day.. specifically about 48 hours in 3hrs time :O (except on the train on the way hm :D) anw im flying off tmr alr! oh england/scotland here i come! :D and finally have a chance to wear trench coat.. and scarf without sweating. oh mamamia! :D

actually im v sleepy la but just settling some on-plane entertainment :))

till 11days later! :D