
/too much food
31 March 2006 ( 12:38 pm )

whats up

im doing gp in the library now and am currently suffering from indigestion.. ate too much the salmon teriyaki tho it was nice excess of it and the appetite may sicken and so die..

steffi: enough no more! 'tis not as sweet as it was before

anw the self intro was over 1.5hrs ago it actually wasnt as bad as i thought but i guess the next thing to worry abt is the q&a on wednesday

so exciting

anw i lost my lamfung name tag i think at amk central :( bt nvm luckily i have an extra one. good things come in pairs.

my stomach is aching. i shall stop. bye..



hello back at home.. tried my egg structure during phy tut which totally failed (as expected) but weili's structure was v v good eh! pro!

after skl period was rather exciting.. mainly due to the fact that out of boredom (and under michelle's peer pressure) i went to eat A chili padi. actually i think raw chili is sick. but munch munch munch it isnt reli spicy.. until abt 1 min aft u eat everything. bt actually nt tt bad my taste buds were damaged enough that the onli damage the chili padi caused were: runny nose (abit), sweaty, oversecretion of saliva..

so i drank abit of water (it doesnt help), let my mouth cool down.. then went to eat ice cream. (stupid, hazelnut bar was sold out!!!)

anw stupid michelle was humming the da chang jin song.. at varying speeds and varying emotions.......... so the song is still stuck in my head now. arghhhh!!!!! and no i shall nt heed her advice to watch the show lest i get addicted..

/jiu ming ah!
30 March 2006 ( 10:05 pm )

ahhh somebody help me!!!!

tmr is elections self intro and i havent got a single idea what to say. like totally dunno where to start. crap!

(insert nick carter 'help me')


and i nid to submit my script to steph ko. TNITE. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

yes im v traumatised now i shall go and..



a toilet trip later..

YES i've thot of what to say!!!!!!!!! i'll talk abt.. the school collar pin!!!! everyone is associated with it and wear it everyday. oh yeah! :D

/convoluted post.
28 March 2006 ( 10:25 pm )

wah been blogging everyday i shld cut down on this cos all i talk abt is crap.

hmm. today was quite a fufiling day.. lessons.. finally got down to seeing mrs chin.. thanks to my sis i have to be VERY AA nxt monday and tuesday.. did bio spa skill a ws in skl.. den ms wong was piaoing ard with another guy.. like visit skl liddat. den poor zeying has to stay in skl till 11 for meeting!! o.O crazy. so while im typing this shes sianing (eating salt) at the meeting..

anw the class bench has been severely defaced by our horrible physics project.. egg yolk/white all over (actually onli 1 part) and glue all over.. ytd gc+weili were doing their structure.. den somehow zhang's indestructable structure caused the egg inside to break. thus, there was this patch of egg white. weili took the glue gun and started to cook the egg. he stopped. being bored as i alws am, i did exactly the same thing. actually the egg smelled nt bad. haha. but some class bench paint came off..

i didnt say that. :X (bt actually tt's cos of the glue nt the egg)

anw having a nice sms chat with jess now. ahh i miss this :) i found out a few things: the nicoll in our skl has a twin called nigel and jess noes them?!?!?!? that was totally qiao. bball nationals: hc vs yj!!!!!!! chatting with someone is therapeutic :) jess is such a super nike shoe fan. aiyoh! yj reli sounds nice.

yah liddat lor. and i miss sn loads :( (esp orange bowl + elainelim!!! actually that's all. haha. and mayb the pinafore hc uniform sucks its so warm.)

okay i realised my whole blog essay structure like totally fail. -__-" nvm

gtg bye!

i cldnt resist putting them there.. really sweet and cute :) (i mean fung) the new age sensitive guy!

27 March 2006 ( 3:09 pm )


in the jing xian library now for pw lesson. actually this is as zongyi once said, the go online and slack lesson. hahh. the librry comp qt nice actually. gc da noob is beside me nw ka chiaoing jiehui!!! shes so cute! wahahha.

anw. i have been trying to find stats on biotechnology stuff but apparently, nt qt successful due to the allure of msn and blogging. hehh. anw lessons going to be over alr i go home and do lah.

wah, mr.gc da noob is da qing ma qiao-ing with zhangwei!


haha. bye!

/the daily post
26 March 2006 ( 7:28 pm )


liverpool finally won 3-1 ytd (p.nev og, garcia, kewell - cahill) HAHH. i hope man u loses cos i wan pool to be first.

anw the mystery of my split personality continues.. crap i better be more normal so i hope to import my online persona into my offline persona.

hehh. nxt fri's self intro alr.. ahh im qt scared cos i do wan to get into council.. :S

ps: i miss toking to mushroom! :D

25 March 2006 ( 9:04 pm )



what crap lor. pool, FIGHT FOR GERRARD!
the referee is so obviously biased, he flashing yellow cards to pool players like dno what. i bet he'll disallow a goal fr pool for nth later.

anw. toking to: ms poon andy vincent now. hehh. mspoon is also an AVID FUNG FAN! i tell u the whole world loves him. wahahaha. the allure of fung is more than that of jay. heah! and so im toking with her. which is why andy thinks i dao him. im basically toking crap with vincent. hoho.

anw finished filming video today!! yayy 3h! just left editing.. thanks huiwen for lending us videocam! (tho the batt died b4 we reli took anything -___-")

gg to do poster later!!

and i gt nth much to blog le.

enjoy each morning as if it were the morning of the first day, treasure each evening as if it were the evening of the very last day


HAHH phil neville just scored an own goal in last min of first half. HAHHHH. serves everton right for getting gerrard sent off!

anw. am i that crazy that yet another person has said im crazy?!


/body in a bad shape
24 March 2006 ( 9:38 pm )


okay i think ever since i came to jc, i havent been reli normal.

like how i'm so lame now (i wasnt this lame.. my legs were very much intact). like how im so fair now (as in skin fair. but nt like i wasnt fair.. just that i played more bball and got more tanned in sn). like how i miss orange bowl so so so much (i had a sudden craving today)

and how my body is.. rather tortured. haha. was sick for the 2nd time in a month/3wks ytd.. fever the whole day (again). refused to go home (again).. was qt afraid i'll melt my contacts. hahaha. anw i had runny nose (very) + fever + cough ytd. today it's okay alr but i got

- very very BAD cough now (i cant tok much if nt i'll cough more)
- my backbone is hurting!!! i dno why, is the bone nt the muscles. and it's the shoulder area
- my backwaist muscles hurting (due to pe)
- i keep having rashes!!!! (im suspecting it's cos of alcohol..)
- pimples.. (nt like i nv had b4)
- skin lacking in melanin (i need a tan!)

okay that's abt all. the backbone thing bothered me qt alot today.. v pain. tgt with that was chest pain when i coughed. ahhhh. i think my cough is going to make me burst a couple of bronchioles.. den like reduce surface area to volume ration for oxygen exchange.. den i'll be breathless.. but im nt a smoker!

nvm. gtg alr shall blog on class blog!

/lame diao.
22 March 2006 ( 6:41 pm )

got tagged by stiffi/sheffi/the dada person

okay actually this is good cos i got nth to blog.. here goes..

My Perfect Lover

The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover. (onli?!?! there's a reason why i didnt have any eye candies...) Specify the gender of the target. Tag 8 victims to join this game and leave a comment on their page saying they've been tagged. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Gender: female male <---- edited 240306 i reli thot it was the gender of myself u noe i am NOT LES

My Perfect Lover :
1. height of 1.8m! or at least ard there.. its a nice ht :)
2. straight and sparkly white teeth!
3. DIMPLES!!!! <-- i think i have a fetish for dimples
4. tanned <-- due to being sporty
5. someone cheerful and can have a nice conversation with me.. someone who i can play bball with. someone sensitive and sweet :)
6. double eyelids! (cos i dont have)
7. NO SMOKING! NO SWEARING (at least in front of me)
8. nice hairstyle?? no coconut hair lah.

actually there are more but i onli have to state 8pts so okay lah..

These are the following people whom i will tag.
1. jessica!
2. jolly (haha harry)
3. steffi
5. huiwen
6. annabel
7. andy
8. kaifong

okay that's all.. oh in case you're wondering why i havent been online its cos i've been spending my time watching vcds.. into thin air (what a stupid name) akak ren jian zhen fa.. i think bernice liu is chao chio. ahhh.

alrightts gtg! cya!

/dried up
16 March 2006 ( 11:08 pm )


brain quite dead from maths, i think the whole inequalities maths lecture series was fei cos the tcher was ultra slow and i didnt learn much. (eh i spent alot of time doing graphic calculator artwork...) ah. so tmr im doing the 2nd half of the tutorial and i hope i dont die. going to aim to finish all my hw tmr. sat whole day going to do cip.. yayy i love painting! (this is nt sarcastic! cos i dno how to tok to pple)

ahh i dno what to blog alr. anw, some pictures! :D

THE letter!

a mass of chinese words...

THAT nice pic! :D

okay i guess i shall go soon! replenish my choline..

ps: i just realised, how did my address get to hk?!?!?!?!?!

15 March 2006 ( 9:17 pm )

finally, i got a new blog working again :) spent lots of time tryin to understand blogspot html.. chim. anw i've done it! :D


filmed campaign video, its uber lame and seriously need subtitles. hope that when everything is pieced tgt, it will be good :)

anw, got home at ard 4+, opened letter box. among the usual letters to the other ppl in the whole family, i got a letter! (rare, cos the onli other letter i get is from moe)

and anw the letter was from... HONGKONG! i was thinking what was it abt.. was it some fanclub/forum i joined? i dont have any penpals in hk do i...

and with anticipation i opened the letter, addressed to "Toni Liwei" (obviously that's a typo). hm. out fell a chinese letter from the white enveloped with HK$2.40 worth of stamps pasted on it. i read thru the letter, basically it was typewritten in traditional chinese abt how fung is too busy to reply letters, and how he's filming the woman show now <--- super outdated letter, hes nw filming taiji. it ended off with 'xin nian kuai le'.

i thought... FUNG?!?!?! then enclosed was..... an autographed picture of the shuai gentleman. i almost fainted on the spot, for i cldnt believe it. a letter from hk, with an autograph picture of the man of my dreams?!?!?!??!

i stoned. i smsed my frens. i slapped myself.

being lag as i am, the truth started to sink in abt 10mins later. i got a picture of fung, straight from HK. :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

well tho the msg was typed out (prob by his helper) i am totally touched becos a person of fung's status actually bothers to care abt his fans, who are basically nobodies. :) it's the thot that counts, and this thot is really such a sweet one.

fung's the best idol one can have! he's totally sweet. what a gentleman :D ahh. so skl reopen i'll probably go ard showing off that pic liao :D hehh. or it will be too precious to bring to skl?!?! i dno.

love fung to bits, will treasure him even more now! :D